
Johns Hopkins University
  1. Applied Math for Engineers (EN.560.601) -- Level: Graduate, Format: Lecture
    • Sping: 2022, 2023
    This course presents a broad survey of the basic mathematical methods used in the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations: linear algebra, power series, Fourier series, separation of variables and integral transforms.
  2. Case Coding (EN.560.291) -- Level: Undergraduate, Format: Lecture
    • Fall: 2022
    Having taken a computing course in the freshman year, this course allows students to further develop their programming skills to solve, understand, or automate problems specific to Civil and Systems Engineering. Students learn fundamental engineering and data analytics operations skills in a variety of softwares (e.g., R, Matlab, ArcGIS).
  3. Gateway Computing Python (EN.500.113) -- Level: Undergraduate, Format: Flipped Classroom
    • Fall: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
    • Sping: 2021
    This course introduces fundamental programming concepts and techniques using Python programming language. Topics covered include the design and implementation of algorithms using variables, control structures, arrays, functions, files, testing, debugging, and structured program design. Elements of object-oriented programming, algorithmic efficiency and data visualization are also discussed.
  4. Gateway Computing MATLAB (EN.500.114) -- Level: Undergraduate, Format: Flipped Classroom
    • Fall: 2019
    This course introduces fundamental programming concepts and techniques using MATLAB. Topics covered include the design and implementation of algorithms using variables, control structures, arrays, functions, files, testing, debugging, and structured program design. Elements of object-oriented programming, algorithmic efficiency and data visualization are also discussed.
School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE), Athens, Greece
  1. Optimum Antiseismic Design of Structures -- Level: Graduate, Format: Lecture
    • Sping: 2016
    Thic course covered topics of size, shape and topology optimization of structures, using genetic and evolutionary optimization algorithms.
  2. Artificial Neural Networks and Metaheuristic Algorithms in Structural Mechanics -- Level: Graduate, Format: Lecture
    • Sping: 2016
    This course introduces the fundamentals of artificial neural networks; their architectures, training algorithms (supervised, unsupervised) and their use in the framework of structural mechanics. Moreover, an introduction to metaheuristic algorithms used to solve optimization problems is made, along with ways to use artificial neural networks for this purpose.

Teaching Assistant

National Technical University of Athens
  1. Stochastic Finite Elements -- Level: Graduate, Format: Lecture
    • Spring: 2010-2015
    This course introduces the fundamentals of the stochastic process theory and its applications. Topics covered include widely used methods for the simulation of stochastic processes, namely the Karhunen-Loeve expansion and spectral representation method. Moreover, the fundamental principles of the Stochastic Finite Element Method (SFEM) were discussed and the topic of reliability analysis methods was addressed.