Development of a Coursera course on Uncertainty Quantification (Under development).
Reviewer for peer-review journals
- Journal of Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
- Journal of Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
- Journal of Structural Health Monitoring
- Journal of Computational Physics
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence
- Journal of Computational Methods in Structural Engineering
- Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
- Energy Exploration & Exploitation
- Journal of Engineering Mechanics
- Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
- Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
- Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering
- Advances in Engineering Software
- International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
- Archive of Applied Mechanics
Professional Memberships
SIAM - Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, member of the UQ activity group – (Since 2022)
ASCE/EMI - American Society of Civil Engineers, member of the Probabilistic Methods Committee (PCM) – (Since 2022)
ASCE/EMI - American Society of Civil Engineers, member of the Machine Learning in Mechanics Committee – (Since 2023)
UNCECOMP - Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, member of the Sicientific commitee – (Since 2019)
TEE - Technical Chember of Greece – (Since 2006)
GRACM - Greek Association of computational mechanics – (Since 2015)
Licenced Civil Engineer, Greece – (Since 2005)
University / Department Service (JHU)
Assistant Coach for the man’s Water Polo team – (Since 2016).
Judge for the Student Paper Competition, 8th Annual Johns Hopkins Postdoctoral Conference – (April 2022).
Activities in the Profession
Organized Conference Sessions
- UNCECOMP 2023, Learning from small data: Data-driven methods and machine learning for uncertainty quantification in engineering applications.
- UNCECOMP 2021, Data-driven Uncertainty Quantification and Data Assimilation using manifold learning and Sparse and Low-rank Representations.
- WCCM 2020, Physics-based data-driven modeling and uncertainty quantification in computational mechanics.
- UNCECOMP 2019, Surrogate and reduced-order modeling for stochastic simulation of physical systems.
Organized Workshops
MSEE Short Course: Uncertainty Quantification in Physics-Based Modeling Using Python – (June 2021, 2022). Offered for the Materials Science in Extreme Environments University Research Alliance (MSEE URA)
- Judge, Student Paper Competition, Engineering Mechanics Conference (PMC) – (June 2022)